Monday 16 July 2012


While growing up as a child I had a lot of friends but I did not have any true friends cos they would always disappoint me somehow. Maybe thats the way the cookie crumbles (and it crumbles like crazy, no people disappoint mostly and they leave. Anyhow I realized that I did not need friends in school, nor in college or anywhere else cos I have three beautiful sisters who are always there for me, come sunshine or rain. They are my best friends and when I realized that, I simply stopped looking elsewhere (even though we fight like Thats why I wrote a poem about my relationship with my sisters and I guess anyone who shares the same type of bond that I share with my sisters will totally agree with me. This poem is an ode to all the sisters in the world. I am happy to state that the real essence of love and trust in any relationship always emerges from within your family, ashes to ashes!!

She is my adorable sister.
A little bit temperamental, a wee bit emotional, just the right mix.
She is my life, my light during my darkest hours.
My family, the family that I seek.
She defines my existence by being herself, by just being there.
I lose my way sometimes but she tells me how.
There are times when I wont budge,
she is the one who always makes me laugh
Whenever I lose my faith in god, in life, on myself
I just take one look at her and start fighting with myself
I fight with her, she fights with me
but I dont care cos she is there.
The swift uplifting rush that recedes
She is also a a part of that force beneath
Bright and pretty as she is
She also has her dark secrets and dreams
I pray to god she succeeds her dreams
Cos there is nothing that I want more
Gold and Silver, none have I
but I have a sister as precious as thine
I pray to God to keep us together
and be the wind beneath our wings.

Sunday 15 July 2012

I, Me, Myself

Oh! heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains. That is the law of God. - Kahlil Gibran
I love the works of Kahlil Gibran and I feel that through his writings, he found the true meaning of life. I guess that is what every writer aspires to do, to delve into the abyss of their hearts to find beauty and the truth of life that they can share with the world. Gibran is regarded as a literary hero and a rebel and I guess that is as close as we can get to describing someone who has contributed immensely to our literary world. I just wanted to share a really small piece that I wrote sometime ago ( its not a poem or anything close). Its just a piece of my mind that I wanted to share. Its about the struggles that I face everyday, as a girl and mostly as an individual in this crazy world where everyone is so distinct from each other.

I struggle to be a real woman everyday.
Never forgetting God almighty.
Those who follow him will walk with their heads held high, never forsaken.
Under his wings, we will all fly, higher than we have ever imagined, reaching undefined expectations.
It hurts real bad when we push the button and not attain karma, it feels like a piece of you has been snatched away from you.
I go blind during those soul searching moments.
Momentary flashes of life wherein lies things we dont want to face.
I refuse to be a role model to those fickle-minded people who dont know the meaning of life!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

The Journey

I wrote this one while I was sitting through one of the endless and painfully boring (pun intended) lectures on individual and society in college. It just popped up out of nowhere, am guessing out of boredom... lol. Anyhow I thought that it made enough sense for me to be able to share it with the world. I love the writing style of Rushdie, where you make up your own words and phrases and don't care about the judgemental smirks of people. I try to incorporate that style into my writing where I write anything I want even if it means nothing to some people. So here goes nothing...

I am sitting in the silence of my room, listening to the sound of the wind.
The Tivo blaring in the corner, staring coldly at me
I somehow sense the rain and the wind howling outside, beckoning me to leave the warmth of my room.
Where nature will take its course on me, drenching my entire being with its forceful beauty; swish, swish it goes; drip drip on the tin-top roof.
Should I go? I ask myself
My heart stops for a while, hesitating.
Flashbacks of an old fool who once believed in the beautiful nuances of life
Now no longer alive enough to think
Do I dare?
I see my tiny, broken down window splattered with the rain, pulling me to the outside world with a nonchalance as sweet as a child's.
The sweet scent creeps into me and I finally come alive.
I dash across my room, dashing across everything I was close to, towards that old wooden door, where the rain awaits me
The nerve of me to walk out into the rain. Do I have it in me?
I say why not see for myself.
Finally I cross the threshold that has held me for so long
Towards a beauty; eccentric, refreshing, daunting but nonetheless, as good as it was promised.
I had finally arrived.

A Humane Rhapsody

This is a random prose-poem that I wrote some few years ago which I aptly titled A Humane Rhapsody. Its a really simple piece so there is no need for any sort of brainstorming to understand it but I always believe that in simplicity lies beauty which is beyond comprehension for most of us humans. Anyhow I hope that anyone who reads this understands the importance of living life one day at a time, of loving and sharing and apply it in their lives to make it more worthwhile.

Dont hate, for hatred is what kills humanity.
Know that pride is the ultimate downfall of every man..
Fight intolerance. Love knowledge for that is what makes this world more meaningful and beautiful.
Live and love each day as if it were your last.
Love life and be willing to fight for it.
Love the stranger for how we treat strangers is the test of our humanity.
Above all, remember to always stand up for the truth and be true to yourself.
Be open to new ideas and learn from your mistakes.
Life may be an uphill climb and we may think of giving up sometimes but remember we bruise easily but we recover as quickly.
Be positive in whatever you do and never look back and rewind bad experiences of the past.
Always remember that regret is the greatest nemesis of your success, it will always drag you down.
Face challenges, that is the only way you will meet expectations.
Use the inner fire and strength within you to face the forces of pressure and disappointment, always look at the bigger picture in life.
Never be over ambitious because you can never do two things perfectly at one time.
Release all your inhibitions and never hold back when you want to achieve something.
In life only the sure-footed with the hunger for life will go places.